
OK, here goes...

Follow the chain (if you will) that lead to the creation of this blog. Email from little sister, her blog, blogs of many others (Mom, a few Martin and Paulk boys, Ty), a desire to respond, a need for my own "blogging account", boredom at work after completing my homework, and in-between answering various "emergency" phone calls, and then, and then, and then....this first attempt at blogging on the world wide interweb.

What now?

Here are a few things I know (and a few things I think I know)

My wife is the most incredible lady in the world, and a true blessing from God. We discussed the other day the fact that HE paired us together for our benefit (I say mine more than hers). We both agreed that we could have ended up married to other people, and been happy. But with each other, we are the happiest we could possibly be. We fit together with each other better than any other mate. Did we know this on our first date over a decade ago? Of course not, that would be ridiculous! But HE did.

I have several guilty pleasures: reality TV (Blowout, Real World/Road Rules, Beauty and the Geek), professional wrestling: the soap opera for males 15-40, poker.

I have several pet peeves: families in the grocery store that walk shoulder-to-shoulder down the aisle waaayyyy to slow, lazy people, snotty people, pomposity, people who correct my spelling.

I'm pretty easy going. I don't like change. I procrastinate, but not as much as I used to. (I'll tell you more about that later.) I drink too much soda pop.

Some of the bestest trips I have evah evah taken were to New Braunfels with my girl, Stretch, and TP.

I have never read a single line of a Harry Potter book, nor seen a solitary frame of a Harry Potter flick.

I have made only one purchase from Starbucks...root beer.

I can't wait for the FFL draft.

If you just turn it over to God (whatever it is) and get out of his way, IT WILL WORK OUT FOR THE BEST.

I can't think of anything else to say right now.